Our latest partner meeting took place this time at the cross-ING Aargau site at the PSI (Paul Scherrer Institute) in Villigen. A big thank you to Alexander Schavkan for the excellent organisation of this exciting and enriching day.
A special highlight was the inspiring contribution of our special guest, Ernesto Sirolli, who provided exciting discussions with his experiences and impulses. We also had the opportunity to take an exclusive tour of the PSI - an impressive insight into the pioneering research work being carried out on site. The opportunity to examine the materials led to fascinating discussions.
The intensive exchange with PSI Director Prof Dr Christian Rüegg and Markus Frei-Hardt from PSI Technology Transfer was also exciting and opened up interesting perspectives and suggestions for our future collaboration.
Such encounters and discussions are essential to drive innovation and progress. We look forward to incorporating the knowledge gained into our projects and partnerships.
➡️ Would you like to find out more about our collaboration with research institutions or are you considering how we can advance your project? Contact us - we look forward to exchanging ideas!
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